A completely new purpose where the text to speech API technology is used

We are aware of the advancement in the technological world and we are aware that the engineers are on a constant research in order to innovate more and improvise the products that already exists in the market. One such technological wonder is the Speech synthesis.  It may sound a simple system where the text to speech API conversion works, for varied sort of reasons. Even the device is uses looks very simple, similar to that of a credit card; this is called Raspberry PI TTS where the simple card like structure creates wonders.

The Raspberry PI TTS is, connected to the monitor of a TV, desktop or any hardware device that has a key board and a mouse with an OS. This simple looking low cost  Raspberry PI TTS device is actually not that simple it can do anything imaginable over the computers like browsing internet or downloading files,  It can play high definition audios and even do word processing beside many more such features. It can even interact with the external world.

The usage of the Text to Speech API mechanism

Most of us can understand that this text to speech API must be in huge demand in different industries right from the automotive, transportation to education and banking even the high quality electronic gadgets must be using this mechanism in some or the other way. Nevertheless, Human mind never stops innovation and different style of thinking. Some people have used the text to speech API in a very new way to treat some disabilities.

This software is being, incorporated in different things for treating human disabilities similar to the use in telephones, machines or TV sets. Moreover, for people who have vision impaired they are using it for its voice modulation also for dyslexia this is being used. For pronunciations and linguistic it is of great use as it is available in different languages. For teaching speech or vision-disabled patients, also it can be of great help. Above all this Raspberry PI TTS device is cost effective and people can afford to have it.

Read More: http://indiattsoffline.blogspot.in/2015/10/a-completely-new-purpose-where-text-to.html

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